My first born son was the centre of our
combined family’s universe. The first grandchild on both sides. The first
nephew. The golden child. He was a happy, smiley, easy-going baby who was a ‘good sleeper’.
My second born son came when my first born
had just turned two. He entered a household that already travelled to the beat
of the first born’s drum. He came to a mum who naively believed that he would
simply fall into step and give me no trouble – like his brother. Instead, he
had some health issues including failure to thrive which resulted in him being
a terrible sleeper. No, not terrible. That’s far too polite. I created a
fucking monster. And it is, unquestionably, my fault. I did ALL the wrong
things. I let him fall asleep on the boob. EVERY TIME. I rocked him to sleep. I
made him fall into step with a toddler’s routine instead of listening to the
needs of a baby. And I should feel terrible about it except I don’t and I don’t
because I paid the price. Well and truly. Oh yes, he made me pay. By 11 months
he was on the boob every two hours around the clock. On a good day. On a fussy
day that could be every hour. How much sleep do you think I was getting?
I was a basket case. Really. No, really. I
ended up at a Child and Youth Health appointment during which it was assessed
that I required immediate intervention and so my stay at Torrens House was
My four days at Torrens House saved my [and
my kids] life.
I was scared to go there. I don’t believe
in ‘controlled crying’. My opinion is that it contradicts a mother’s
fundamental need to attend to her child’s needs. It does not make sense to me,
on any level, to give your child the perception that they are being abandoned.
I have not researched this with any authority and I know of many mothers who
have successfully used this technique and their children seem unaffected by it.
But I am resolute in my opinion nonetheless. So, I was scared that they were going to make
me use this technique with my baby. It turns out though, that my opinion is
supported by the staff at Torrens House. Their technique teaches babies to self
settle in a totally supported way, with mum by their side at all times. It’s
exactly what I wanted and it worked on the VERY FIRST TIME. I have shared this
technique with other mums who found themselves in the same nightmare as I did
and it worked for them too.
DISCLAIMER. I am not a trained health
professional or child/baby specialist. I am a mum who has found this technique
to be very successful. You should not try this without first being sure that
your child is not suffering from any other medical conditions which may be
causing their unsettled behavior.
Step 1
Routine, routine, routine...
There are suggested routines for babies of
all ages which you could research and apply or you may have a good idea of your
own. I don’t think it really matters but it needs to be consistent. Most babies
respond extremely well to regular and expected behaviours. Basically you need
to head into this knowing approximately when each day your baby should be
sleeping [and how many times] and when bed-time is at night. This applies to
meals [including breast feeding or bottle feeding] too.
Step 2
Location, location, location...
When first teaching your baby to
self-settle, it is best for it to be in the same place every time. That may be
a cot/bassinet in your room or they may already be in their own nursery. If
they are sharing a room with another sibling, I would recommend moving them out
for a little while. It could get a bit disruptive in there.
Step 3
That’s a wrap!
A key success factor of this technique is
WRAPPING YOUR BABY. I was explained that most babies have a strong startle
reflex [you know, when they jerk with their hands out to the side]. This can
happen even when they seem to be sleeping soundly and it wakes them up. If they
are not able to self settle, this is when they’ll call out for their dummy or
YOU. If you have tried wrapping and your baby is getting out of that wrap then
you either haven’t wrapped them properly OR the wrap is too small. I have found
that larger babies need something like a cotton cot sheet for this to work. I
helped a mum with a one year old boy [that was a challenge!] and we used a
single bed sheet for him.
So, in line with your routine and AFTER you
have fed them you will need to wrap them. I like to strip them down to nappy
and singlet, depending on the weather/temperature in the room, and gently sing “time
for sleep” while I’m doing this. I learned that this is a good ‘sleep trigger’
but it’s not essential. Do not let one
arm out because ‘they like it’ or keep it loose because ‘they don’t like being
constricted’ or this will not work. The wrap needs to be firm. They will be
able to move their arms within the wrap but they must be kept close to their
body or the startle reflex will wake them up.
Step 4
Hush little baby, don’t you cry
Put your lovely, wrapped baby into their
cot/bassinet awake. They may already be crying because this is all new to them
and you’re upsetting their apple cart. It’s ok. With bigger babies, you can
secure them in place [sounds worse than it is] by tucking another sheet across
them and firmly under the mattress. This just helps the whole process. Quietly
talk to them while you’re getting them settled. You could sing or just quietly
and calmly explain what you’re doing. Eg “Shhh… it’s ok. It’s time for sleep
now and Mummy[or Daddy!]is going to
help. I’ll be right here baby.” My very firm suggestion at this stage is DO NOT
apologise to them in words, tone or actions. Eg “Mummy’s sorry I have to do
this” You are doing your job as their parent to help them sleep. Don’t
apologise for that. Once you are comfortable that they are in place, we can
move on to the next step.
Step 5
Pat a cake, pat a cake...
The next key success factor in this
technique is to PAT THE BED. I was taught that once the baby has been laid
down, not to touch them to help them sleep. This then becomes another thing
they ‘need’. So, maybe pull up a chair and rhythmically pat the bed near their
head. You can do this quite firmly as the intention is for them to feel it,
almost like a heart-beat. I usually continue with my ‘time for sleep’ mantra
punctuated with a few, calming ‘shhh’s’ and ‘Mummy’s here’. Your baby will probably be crying throughout
this whole process. Try to interpret that cry. Is it distress or is it just a
protest? “What are you doing mum???? Why aren’t you holding me? Why aren’t you
feeding me?” PRESS ON. You may quietly sing to them or talk to them reassuringly
[you’re ok baby, mummy’s here] but try not to make eye contact with them. The
intention is that they know you’re there but it’s time for sleep and you mean
Step 6
If this is overnight and your baby wakes up
and YOU KNOW THERE’S NOTHING WRONG ie, they haven’t wet through the bed, or
have a fever, or are too cold, or too hot bla bla, then simply pick them up for
quick cuddle, rewrap them and start patting that bed! Your intention should be
to help your baby make it through to the morning without a feed. For me, that
meant bed time at 7.30pm and NO FEEDING before 5am. If he woke any time after
5am, he got a feed… and we were UP FOR THE DAY. [insert coffee here]
These are some things that I have
- On the first night of sleep training my son
went to sleep using this method within 10 minutes. He SCREAMED but I could tell
he was outraged not distressed.
- After never sleeping longer than 2 hours in
a row, he slept 5 hours on that first night.
- My boobs were going to EXPLODE by the time
I fed him in the morning because it was the first time in 11 months that I hadn’t
fed him overnight.
- Once your baby has learned to go to sleep
this way, anyone can do it. So this means your partner, your parent, your
baby-sitter. It’s extremely liberating!
- Everything changes when this starts to
work. You feel better. Your baby behaves better. It’s a happier life to live when
everyone can get some real sleep.
- My son responded so well that he would
bring me his wrap if he was tired to tell me it was time to go to sleep.
This is not for everyone, I understand
that. I just wanted to share it because I know it works and I believe in it. Essentially,
we all have different thresholds of what we can and can’t handle. In parenting,
in sleeping, in disciplining, in eating, in loving, in working, in life. Some parents
do not mind one bit being woken multiple times in the night by their baby. Some
parents believe in co-sleeping and giving their baby full access to mum’s
breasts all night. Some parents want their baby sleeping through the night from
as early as weeks old and will let them cry it out. Whatever works for you, is
whatever works for you. BUT, if it’s not working for you then here’s something
that worked for us.
If you do try it, I’d love to know how it
went for you.
Now… get some sleep :)
It gets better... I promise xx |